The evolution of my drawing & illustration style

A nearly 20 year look at how my style has changed!

The evolution of my drawing & illustration style

I think I really properly started drawing when I was about 13? Art was the only subject in school I actually enjoyed. And the only one I got an A* for. I have never been taught to draw or anything, I just started drawing and like with most things, the more you do it, the more you get better at it, especially so if it's something that you actually enjoy. I've definitely tried doing things that I never enjoyed doing and so didn't get better at them!

I started off with drawing portraits. I couldn't tell you why, just enjoyed drawing them. It was often bands that I loved, or celebrities that I admired (or thought would be great to draw). Now I don't have to hand some of my really early stuff (I can picture it and it wasn't good anyway), the earliest I have is when I was maybe 16? When I was doing my GCSE's and really starting to be more serious about drawing, and trying to incorporate it into my future career. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I really enjoyed graphic design at the time, as I couldn't really see where my portrait drawing skills would take me. I did seriously looked into get a tattoo apprenticeship when I was 18 - until I realised I would have to touch other people and deal with people and yeah... that's not for me!